Workplace Wellbeing

Supporting employers and employees with their health and wellbeing

  • Access to services including Digital GPs, fitness discounts, and the Aviva Wellbeing app
  • Articles, guides, and webinars to help build knowledge around health issues
  • Professional advice and useful tools to support your employees’ financial wellbeing

Taking care of people is our business

We want our clients' employees to feel good. We do this by helping those employees improve their physical, financial and mental wellbeing. With a number of tools and services to help them, we hope to improve their wellbeing and build workforce resilience. We believe this will lead to a stronger, more successful organisation as a whole.

Engaged workforce

Wellbeing initiatives that are tailored to employees' needs can make a positive difference to their work attitude. We use a number of ways to help deliver wellbeing messages in the most relevant and timely way for your workforce.

Workforce resilience

Successful wellbeing initiatives can build happier, healthier, more financially confident individuals. This can lead to a more resilient workforce, either better at dealing with issues or able to recover from them more quickly. As the workforce becomes more resilient the organisation's performance will also improve.

Employer of choice

Talented people looking for their next career move are far more aware of the importance of wellbeing than before – it's something they will look for in a new employer. Being able to offer a fully integrated wellbeing approach can only add to your employer appeal.

What we offer

Take a look at some of the wellbeing support we offer our clients' employees.

Financial Wellbeing

We believe financial wellbeing is about helping employees feel in control of their finances, both now and into the future.

We can support your employees, whatever the state of their financial health. We have budgeting tools, video guides and top tips for many financial scenarios. Our MidLife MOT, MyPension and Aviva Financial Advice team can all support employees who want to develop a medium term plan for a comfortable retirement.

Physical Wellbeing

The physical wellbeing services could help you create a happier, healthier and more productive workforce, while working to reduce absenteeism, presenteeism and the associated costs.

Mental Wellbeing

The mental wellbeing services could help you build a mentally resilient workforce, offering proactive and reactive 3rd party solutions that work together to help you deliver a rounded mental health strategy.

Wellbeing services

Why choose us

Investing in wellbeing

We know that employee wellbeing is crucial to a company's success – the guides, tools and services available are all designed help you support your employees.

Building business resilience

We have a range of products and services to help you prevent and manage risk for both your business and your workforce. In delivering a cohesive and comprehensive wellbeing programme we can help you build a more resilient business.

Wellbeing hubs

Our tools

Workplace wellbeing articles:

Explore more wellbeing support with our articles