Luisa Jobson

Sustainable Investment Analyst – Climate Pillar

Profile photo for Luisa Jobson – Sustainable Outcomes Analyst – Climate Pillar

Joined the industry: 2022

Joined Aviva Investors: 2022

Main responsibilities

Luisa is an analyst within the Climate Pillar segment of the Sustainable investments Team and is focused on supporting the Climate Transition Franchise through product development, thematic research, and management of the Climate Transition Engagement Programme.

Experience and qualifications

Luisa joined Aviva Investors following her graduation from the University of East Anglia, where she attained a BSc in Geography and a MSc in Energy Engineering in which she received ‘The School of Engineering Prize for Best Performance Energy Engineering’. During her studies Luisa worked as University Manager for High Fliers Research in association with the Times Newspaper. In addition to this, Luisa also sat on the Board of Norwich Community Solar, where as part of the management team, she supported the issue of providing decentralised clean energy to communities.

Luisa holds the Investment Management Certificate Unit 1 and is currently working towards obtaining the Unit 2 accreditation.