Getting the most from your scheme
Now you’ve applied for your pension scheme, you’re well on your way to getting up and running. Our training centre will help you understand what you need to do and when.

Get ready: Get up to speed with some key topics
The things you need to know about auto enrolment to run your pension scheme.
Working with payroll and other software
You may be able to use your payroll software to tell us who you have a pension scheme for and how much you contribute to it; or you may have special software to help you send this information.
Using MyAvivaBusiness
If you’re using payroll software that doesn’t send us information automatically, you’ll need to use MyAvivaBusiness each month.
Your duties after your scheme starts
Depending on the payroll system you use, there may be tasks you need to do each month.
Registering your scheme
You might need our details to set up your payroll and to register your pension scheme, or to declare your compliance for auto enrolment.
Registered address
Aviva Life and Pensions UK Limited
Aviva, Wellington Row, York, YO90 1WR
Your EPSR number: Your scheme number
Your PSR number: 10079060 (TKxxxxx schemes) or 10253645 (SPxxxxx schemes)
Scheme type: Group Personal Pension (GPP)
Method of pension payment deduction: Relief at source (deduct after tax)
Scheme name: This will be your company name
Terms and conditions for
Documents you must give your employees
It’s your responsibility to make sure that each of your employees is provided with all of the information necessary to help them understand how their pension is going to work, and what the benefits and risks involved are.
Please ensure you give them a copy of ‘Your company pension scheme - An essential guide for employees’ (PDF 452KB) before they join the scheme to allow them to make an informed decision.
You also need to give your employees details of the scheme's default investment strategy - My Future Focus Lifestage Approach (PDF 222KB). If you have chosen a different default investment strategy you can find more employee guides on our Fund Centre.
Contact details for your employees
Please provide your employees with the contact details below if they have any queries. They will need to quote their policy/plan details.
Aviva, PO Box 520, Surrey Street,
Norwich, NR1 3WG
Pension Help Line on 0800 145 5744
For our joint protection, telephone calls may be recorded and/or monitored. Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines and mobiles are free.