Fund Search

To find the name of your investment, please check your annual statement or annual bonus notice.

Finding your fund name

Understanding your investment name(s)

To find your investment name, please check your annual statement or annual bonus notice.

In the annual statement, investment portfolio or fund names might come under titles like: "What funds are you invested in?", "Your investment summary", "Your investment choices" or "Fund information".

The investment name might contain abbreviations like "Av" for "Aviva", "MyM" for "MyMoney", "BR" for "Blackrock".

You can use the full or partial investment portfolio or fund name on your annual statement to search for the Climate-related Disclosure Report, but we recommend you search using keywords in the name. For example:

  • Type of fund (Equity, Managed, Growth etc.)
  • Region (UK, European, America, Far East etc.)
  • Fund Manager (Aviva, Blackrock, Schroder, Jupiter, Mercer etc.)

It's also helpful to include the word "Life" or "Pension" depending on your product type.

Note that the investment portfolio or fund name in your statement may be slightly different from the name in the Climate-related Disclosure Report.

For example, the name in your statement may include the fund series; e.g. "Aviva Example Growth S1", "Aviva Example Growth S5"; but the name in the Climate-related Disclosure Report would just appear as "Aviva Example Growth".

All the fund series for one fund (S1, S5 etc.) have the same underlying investments and are grouped in a single Climate-related Disclosure Report.

Finding with-profit fund names

If you're invested in a with-profit fund, your statement will refer either to your specific with-profit fund name or to the 'with-profit fund'.

Each with-profit fund has a separate Climate-related Disclosure Report. This list shows all the with-profit funds in the Aviva Group. If your statement refers only to the "with-profit fund" then,

If your annual statement doesn’t show your specific with-profit fund name:

Please check your original policy document to find the name of the company you bought your policy with; then use the company name to find your specific with-profit fund in this list.

If you're having trouble finding your original policy document or can't see your original company name on that document, please contact us using the details on your annual statement or annual bonus notice.

You can also contact your Independent Financial Advisor, if you have one.
