Important announcements

Read the announcements for Aviva registered health practitioners

Incorrect payment of invoices.

Aviva have recently identified an internal error whereby some invoices have been settled at the requested amount rather than our published fees.  This has now been corrected and subject to the members policy benefits, invoices will be settled in line with our Practitioner Terms and Conditions and our published fees.

We would like to express our apologies for any inconvenience this has caused. As this was an internal error and by way of good will, we will not be seeking recoupment of overpaid funds.

You can find our published fee schedule here; Fee Schedule - Health Practitioners

Should you have any further queries, please contact the Aviva Practitioner Team who will be happy to assist you.

Newly published Mental Health fee Schedule - 1st October 2024

Following a review of our fee structure, conducted with our clinical panel, from 1st October 2024, Aviva will be publishing the following fees for Mental Health practitioners. 

  • Psychiatry Initial Consultation / Assessment - £400
  • Psychiatry Follow up - £200
  • Out-patient Counselling - £75
  • Psychotherapy Treatment (e.g. CBT) - £100 
  • Psychology Treatment - £130

From this date, you can find our fees in the Aviva fee schedule which can be found here - Fee Schedule - Health Practitioners (

The new fees will be applicable for treatment carried out on, or after 1st October and cannot be backdated. Any ongoing treatment that has been pre-authorised will be honoured under your current arrangement. Any additional treatment, or for new customers, invoices will be settled in line with our newly published fees.

As a reminder we accept electronic bills via Healthcode or from 1st October, you will also be able to submit invoices using our Practitioner Online Billing Portal which can be found here - Aviva Online Billing Platform.

Update to our Anaesthetic fee Schedule - 1st September 2024

Aviva is committed to ensuring that our Practitioner fee schedule fairly remunerates for the services provided to our customers.  From the 1st September 2024, we will be publishing new anaesthetic fee maxima for a number of CCSD codes.

From this date, you can find our fees in the Aviva fee schedule which can be found here - Fee Schedule - Health Practitioners (

The new fees will be applicable for treatment carried out on, or after 1st September and cannot be backdated.

As a reminder we accept electronic bills via Healthcode or you can submit directly to Aviva using our Practitioner Online Billing Portal which can be found here - Aviva Online Billing Platform.

Thank you for your continued services to our customers. 

Practitioner Fee Adherence

As an Aviva registered Practitioner, you agree to charge in accordance with our published fee schedule as per our Practitioner terms and conditions.

It is important to us that we provide our customer a fee assured journey and that our premiums remain sustainable. As a result, we are no longer allowing Practitioners to move away from a ‘Fee Assured’ status. 

Aviva Fee Review

Aviva’s clinical and commercial fee forum continually review our fee maxima, to ensure they are fair, reasonable and in line with the market.

For example, as part of a wider review we have recently updated our fees associated with Hip and Knee procedures.

We encourage you to regularly check this link for any amendments; Fee Schedule - Health Practitioners (

Aviva Online Billing Platform

For your ease and convenience Practitioners can submit invoices using the Aviva Online Billing Platform, in addition to the continued use of Healthcode. The use of the Aviva online billing platform will ensure your invoices are promptly actioned and settled subject to our terms and conditions.

You will be able to access the platform through the Aviva Online Billing Platform.

Aviva are committed to being a net zero company by 2040, with a net zero operations and supply chain by 2030. To support our ambition the removal of paper billing will be effective immediately. If you wish to know more, read Aviva's sustainability ambition.

We will be happy to receive your invoices via Healthcode or the billing platform moving forward. Paper invoices will no longer be accepted. We will continue to use Healthcode for remittance advice and the maintenance of your data via the Private Practice Register (PPR).

Healthcode monetisation

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), e-remittance and PPR (Private Practice Register)

Since 1 April 2021, Healthcode introduced a clearing service charge to utilise their electronic billing system (EDI).

The charge relates to the submission of invoices only, the use of e-remittance and the access and management of your data on the Private Practice Register (PPR) remains a free service.

If you are registered with Healthcode please continue to view your payment details and maintain your data through their site.

Should you need any support using the Healthcode systems, please contact their customer services by email: or by phone: 0330 900 4900.

Pre-Operative Anaesthetist Assessment

There have been a number of occasions where routine pre-operative anaesthetist assessment has been billed separately to the procedure fee. In accordance with the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland and their Code of Practice for Billing Private patients we remind you of the following:

Routine pre-operative assessment of patients is included in the anaesthetic fee shown for ALL procedures regardless of whether the anaesthetist who carried out the operative ANAESTHESIA is different from the anaesthetist who carried out the pre-operative assessment.

Where extensive pre-operative consultation is required we may pay an additional fee but this will only be in exceptional circumstances. You must contact us in writing in all such instances and full detailed reasons for the additional consultation will need to be supplied by the anaesthetist for review by our clinical and commercial teams.

Please contact the Practitioner Management Team by email: or by phone: 0800 015 7756.

Inappropriate code combinations – post operative pain relief injections

We do not reimburse additional charges for component parts of surgical procedures. As such we will not consider requests for payment for post-operative analgesia including nerve blocks. For these codes, the fee for pain relief is included in the main CCSD code.

Please contact our Practitioner Management Team by email: or by phone: 0800 015 7756, if you have any queries.

Consultation fees

You agree to charge appropriate consultation fees proportionate to the level of care and investigation for each patient, and only up to the maximum stated in the fee schedule.

All room and equipment charges are inclusive of the consultation fee and no other charges should be made.

Get in touch with us

If you have a query we've not been able to answer in either our general frequently asked questions or our dedicated network frequently asked questions, please contact us by phone or email.

Phone calls may be monitored and/or recorded.

Specialist registration enquiries

0800 404 9418

Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Postal queries: Department 10, Aviva Health, Chilworth House, Hampshire Corporate Park, Eastleigh, SO53 3RY.

General Claim enquiries

0800 158 3333

Monday to Friday: 8:00am - 6:30pm

Saturday: 8:00am - 1:00pm

For enquiries regarding a patient's claim including payment of invoices.

Fee Schedule related enquiries

0800 015 7756

Monday to Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Postal queries: Department 10, Aviva Health, Chilworth House, Hampshire Corporate Park, Eastleigh, SO53 3RY.

General Billing enquiries

0800 015 0107

Monday to Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm