Building Reinstatement Value Health Check

Buildings underinsurance has been a near constant concern across the insurance industry for many years. More recently, spiralling costs have resulted in an increase in labour, materials and energy costs and inflation. As a result, you may find yourself in a position where your buildings sum insured may no longer be sufficient to cover the cost of reinstatement, should a loss occur. 

Using a Reinstatement Value Health Check tool, powered by BCH, our risk consultants can quickly provide an indication as to the accuracy of your buildings sum insured. This can be used to provide peace of mind of adequate coverage, or prompt a follow-up valuation.

How does the Reinstatement Value Health Check tool work?

Easy to use

During our visit, our property risk consultants will walk through the tool’s question set with you.

Tailored to your premises

The tool captures a variety of information, including an estimated area and type of industry and occupation, in order to provide an appropriate calculation.

An informative output

Based on the information provided, an indication is given as to whether your current buildings sum insured is accurate or if there is a risk of underinsurance.

Further support

If your buildings sum insured is found to be at risk of underinsurance, we can provide accurate valuation services through our Loss Prevention Standards and Specialist Partner Network.

How can the Reinstatement Value Health Check tool help your business?

  • Quick on-site assessment of the adequacy of your buildings sum insured, at no extra cost
  • Clear rating to provide peace of mind of adequate coverage or to prompt a valuation
  • Ensuring your buildings sums insured are adequate can help to reduce the risk of a proportional settlement to claims
  • We can offer access to our Specialist Partner Network for Reinstatement Valuation solutions at preferential rates


Support and resources associated with underinsurance

Underinsurance insights from our experts

Our experts, Chris Andrews and Mark Briggs, are here to explain why underinsurance is a concern to your business.

Underinsurance explained

Underinsurance occurs when you don't have enough insurance cover to meet your needs. So, if the declared values of property and assets aren't correct, or when the time it would take to get your business back up and running after a loss is underestimated, you could be underinsured.

Underinsurance - claims examples

A set of underinsurance claims examples including details of what led to the claim, the level of underinsurance and the financial vulnerability this can create within the claims settlement.

Guidance to help manage your underinsurance risk

Download our range of Loss Prevention Standards (LPS)

Our Specialist Partners to help manage your underinsurance risks

To access these solutions at preferential rates and terms, contact our Specialist Partners.


Reinstatement Cost Assessments​

BCH offer professional building reinstatement cost assessments, including site visit and detailed reporting. ​

Cardinus Risk Management

Reinstatement Cost Assessments​

Cardinus Risk Management offer professional building reinstatement cost assessments, including site visit and detailed reporting.​


Plant, Machinery and Contents Assessments

Charterfields offer reinstatement cost assessments for property, plant, equipment and contents, including site surveys and detailed reporting, helping insured parties declare appropriate values. 


​Reinstatement Cost Assessments​

Sedgwick offer professional building reinstatement cost assessments, including site visit and detailed reporting. ​

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Need further help or assistance?

Call our Risk Help Line to speak to our Risk Management Solutions team for help and advice on

0345 366 6666

Opening times: Monday - Friday* 9:00am - 5:00pm

* Excludes Bank Holidays. The cost of calls to 03 prefixed numbers are charged at national call rates (charges may vary dependent on your network provider) and are usually included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles. For our joint protection telephone calls may be recorded and/or monitored.