A power press is defined in Part IV PUWER 1998 as 'a press or press brake for the working of metal by means of tools, or for die proving, which is power driven and which embodies a flywheel and a clutch.'

It does not apply to hydraulic presses or those presses exempted from the requirements of regulation 33 as detailed in Schedule 2 in PUWER 1998. These may still require inspection in accordance with regulation 6 of PUWER 1998.

The period between inspections for a Power press is dictated by the type of guard fitted.

Fixed guards or enclosed tools are inspected and tested every 12 months.

Interlocking guards, (also known as moving guards) and AOPD (Auto Optical Protection Devices) also known as Infrared or white light or light curtains are all inspected on a 6 monthly basis.

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* Contains public sector information published by the Health and Safety Executive and licensed under the Open Government Licence.