Our risk management guides offer you information on common risks to provide guidance and support - from what risks are present during the 4 seasons to more specific peril based risks. Each risk management guide features links to more detailed information and risk assessment checklists, which you can tailor to your business.
Seasonal risk management guides

After a long winter many businesses will be looking forward to some brighter days and warmer weather, it’s important to think about common spring related risks and how to mitigate them to help keep your people and business safe.

From long dry spells, to weekend BBQ’s to glass-magnified sun rays on dry grassland or equipment overheating – conditions resulting from long hot periods can create highly flammable situations. What risks do the summer months pose to your business?

As the days grow shorter and colder months roll in, the shift of season can bring with it changeable weather and a unique set of risks that can easily be overlooked. How can you look after your business?

From extreme weather damaging buildings and causing dangerous surface and driving conditions, to keeping your buildings dry during the winter. How can you protect your business?
Hazard based risk management guides

Escape of Water
Water leaks can cause significant damage to a property, as well as disruption to your business. Understand your water exposure and how prepared you are to mitigate escape of water losses.

You can’t always stop a property from flooding, but you can put measures in place to help minimise the damage and speed up recovery time. We recommend taking time to assess your property, get prepared and plan for any bad weather.

Health and Wellbeing
The health and wellbeing of your employees is an important part of your overall risk management approach, helping to mitigate against mental and physical health risks in the workplace.

Hot Work
Hot work presents a range of risks to your people and your property. What steps can you take to make sure any hot work activity is carried out in the safest way possible?

Lithium-ion battery use and storage are widespread. They're used in a number of different items, from small to large, such as electronic cigarettes to electric vehicles. We consider best practice loss prevention to help you understand your exposures and manage your risk.

Musculoskeletal Disorder and Manual Handling
Musculoskeletal disorder risks can be found across all kinds of workplaces – from the heavy lifting on building sites to the repetitive strain of factory work or the poor posture of an office job. Fortunately, there are small changes which can yield great benefits when it comes to preventing harm.

Slips and Trips
Slips, trips and falls are often easily preventable. Understand the fundamentals to help prevent this peril occurring in your business.
Need further help or assistance?
Call our Risk Help Line to speak to our Risk Management Solutions team for help and advice on
0345 366 6666
Opening times: Monday - Friday* 9:00am - 5:00pm
Email us at: riskadvice@aviva.com
* Excludes Bank Holidays. The cost of calls to 03 prefixed numbers are charged at national call rates (charges may vary dependent on your network provider) and are usually included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles. For our joint protection telephone calls may be recorded and/or monitored.