
Security Marking

We can provide property security marking solutions through our Specialist Partner, Selectamark. These solutions are available to Aviva customers at preferentiaI rates.

Deterrence can be an effective way to combat theft. Whether on tools, plant, equipment, laptops or smartphones, the use of marking solutions can make property harder to sell on and therefore a less likely target for thieves.

Seletamark are an award-winning, leading supplier of security marking and asset identification solutions which deter theft and help recover stolen property. Selectamark are a member of the British Security Industry Association and hold IS09001, ISO4001, and IS027001 accreditations for its quality, environmental and  information security management systems.


  • SelectaDNA property marking kits and visible marking
  • SelectaDNA intruder spray system
  • BikeRegister security marking and registration kits


  • Security marking is easy to implement
  • It can be an effective theft deterrent at a low cost
  • Range of versatile products including DNA forensic marking and intruder spray systems
  • If property is indeed lost or stolen, if found can be traced back to you by the police
  • Can reduce the risk of disruption caused by theft, including loss of trading, loss of data and the negative impact on staff

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Transcript  for video Selectamark security marking

Selectamark Security Systems plc provide security marking and asset identification solutions approved by the police and insurance providers to individuals and organisations, both in the UK and around the world. Our forensic marking solution SelectaDNA makes protected sites a no-go area for thieves. 

Our diverse product range can be used by all types of organisations and industries. From offices to construction companies, hospitals to telecoms providers, schools to retailers, SelectaDNA can be used to mark and protect all types of assets and infrastructure. These can include laptops and other electronic equipment, vehicles, tools, testing equipment and batteries, as well as equipment used in the construction and agricultural industries. 

Police in the UK believe in it so strongly that they even use it to protect their own equipment. SelectaDNA can help protect your organisation from theft, robbery and break-ins. 

Each SelectaDNA kit comes with its own completely unique synthetic DNA-coded solution and a variety of warning stickers and signage. Once marked, valuables are registered on our secure asset register so that if an item is found by the police it can easily be traced back to your organisation. By displaying the warning signage, thieves are more likely to stay away due to the fear of being linked to any crime they commit. 

Our SelectaDNA solution comes in a bottled liquid for marking all types of movable assets or a spray version for fixed infrastructure, such as copper cabling, solar panels and lead roofs. The solution appears clear on all assets and can be found by police using UV detection equipment. As well as containing a unique DNA code, our solution also contains thousands of microscopic dots with a custom ID on. Once the marking is identified, a microdot can be read by a microscope and checked against the secure asset register to determine who the registered owner is. If no microdots can be located, a sample of the solution can be collected by the police and sent to our state of the art laboratory for analysis and identification by expert scientists. 

As a specialist partner of Aviva, we’re delighted to offer these solutions to its clients at a discounted rate. To find out more, simply visit our website, email or call, and speak to one of our customer support team.

Selectamark's contact information

* The cost of calls to 01 prefixed numbers are charged at national call rates (charges may vary dependent on your network provider) and are usually included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles. For our joint protection telephone calls may be recorded and/or monitored.