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With-profits investments
Whether they're endowments, bonds, or pensions, you can find out more about with-profits investments on this page. Your investment means a lot to you - and it means just as much to us. That's why we've brought various useful pieces of with-profits information together in one place. You can also check if you're invested in with-profits by looking through your policy documents.

Download the MyAviva app
Download the MyAviva app today to manage your policies on the move, as well as discounts on selected products for existing customers.
Bonuses and other news
Read up on the latest bonuses, as well other information affecting your with-profits investments.
Let us guide the way
We have two guides to help you delve into exactly how we manage each with-profits fund: a With-Profits Summary and a more detailed Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM).
The With-Profits committee
The committee is a group of independent experts which helps us to look after the interests of our with-profits customers.
Our court scheme
The way we have to run the operations of the Aviva Life and Pensions UK Limited with-profits sub-funds is set out in our court scheme.
Call us on
0800 068 6800
Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Sunday: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Bank holidays: Closed
If you can’t find what you’re looking for visit our investments contact us page.

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