Recent phishing scams
We’re aware of several scams using the Aviva name or logo at the moment, where emails or text messages look to have come from Aviva. The emails may offer a free Fire Safety Box, a Home Safety Consultation, or a Free Medical Kit. The text messages might say that a new direct debit has been set up with Aviva and to call an 0330 number if it wasn’t you.
Do not reply to the emails or texts, click on any links, or enter any personal information including payment card details. You only need to tell us about it if you are an Aviva customer and you have clicked on the links, entered personal information, or made a payment. Notify your bank, as a priority, and report the scam to Action Fraud and the National Cyber Security Centre (report@phishing.gov.uk), then mark the email as Junk and delete it.
Keep your details safe online
Making sure that you’re not a victim of fraud is one of our top priorities. It’s probably one of your top priorities too.
Fraudsters are full of tricks, so the best defence against them is a combination of knowledge and vigilance. And we’re here to stand by your side - we’ll help you get the knowledge of how they work, and you keep your senses peeled for anything that looks, sounds, or smells suspicious.
To get started, grab yourself a cup of your favourite caffeinated hot drink and discover how to protect your details online.
Stay ahead of fraudsters
Fraudsters are quick- but you can be quicker. Make sure you’re just a dot on the horizon to them, by checking out how to keep you and your family safe online.
So much of our lives are linked to the digital world, that an infected device can make your bank account seriously ill. If you’re worried that your laptop or mobile phone has caught a dose of malware, there are steps you can take to protect your information and nurse your poor device back to health.
With the rise of online fraudsters, the UK government has launched a national campaign to raise awareness of the problem. The Stop! Think Fraud Footnote [1] site offers guidance and advice on how we might all be at risk, how to sport fraud, and how to protect against it.
Power up your understanding of fraud
Visit our knowledge centre to read more useful information, and dive into our reading list of articles about how you can protect yourself from fraud.
Looking for something else?

Spot fake websites and phone numbers
Fraudsters often try to exploit the names of trusted companies like Aviva by building fake websites or using fake phone numbers. Always be wary of fake bond and ISA websites, especially if you see temptingly high returns offered. If it’s too good to be true, it’s probably a fraudster.
Likewise, if you’ve had an accident and use a search engine to find the phone number for your insurer – always check to make sure you’re not phoning your way straight into a scammer’s clutches.
Get into the habit of spending a little time checking that the websites and numbers you’re using are legitimate – it could be the best investment you ever make.

Phishing and smishing
Fraudsters crave communication – they can’t start their trickery a direct line to you. That’s why they love phishing and smishing – they can use email addresses and mobile phones numbers to approach hundreds, or thousands, of potential victims.
A phishing scam is one that uses a fake email disguised as an official one. You think you’re clicking on a link in an email from Aviva, when really, you’ve just given a fraudster access to your computer.
A smishing scam operates in much the same way but uses SMS text messages.
Make sure you know what to look for and send the phishers and smishers home with empty baskets.

Beware of recruitment and pension scams
There’s nothing fraudsters won’t use in attempt to siphon money from an unsuspecting victim. Whether you’re looking for a job or coming to the end of your working life, it’s always best to have your wits about you when navigating online.
Fraudsters have used Aviva’s name in recruitment scams and see pensions much in the same way a cuckoo sees another bird’s nest – make sure you know the clues that give them away.