Classic Car Insurance

Cover for your car

What is classic car insurance?

Not every car is destined to become a classic — it needs to have a little bit of magic about it to make that leap. That’s why we’ve teamed up with classic car specialists Hagerty International to offer expert cover for your classic collectable.

Benefits of classic car insurance

Agreed value protection – Give us acceptable valuation certificates or photos of your car within 30 days of policy’s start date and we’ll cover that value, even if it’s far more than you paid for it. If you have not provided this information, your vehicle will be insured for its market value.

Laid-up cover – Protection against fire, damage, and theft when your car is off the road.

European touring protection – Cover for up to 90 days of European travel, including both breakdown and recovery.

What’s the difference between classic and standard car insurance?

There are two main differences — how old the car is and how often you drive it.

As the driver you must:

  • be a UK resident aged 25 years or over
  • hold a full licence and have a good driving record
  • use the car as a secondary vehicle, and not for day-to-day or business use
  • drive less than 5,000 miles a year (or 3,000 miles a year for cars made after 1990)

Your car must:

  • be worth at least £1,000
  • be over 15 years old 

And must not:

  • be your only or main use vehicle
  • be used for more than 5,000 miles each year
  • be a home-built kit car
  • be newer than 15 years old

Classic car age bands

Classic cars are divided into four age bands — veteran, vintage, classic, and modern classic. The exact boundaries between them might vary between providers, but Hagerty’s cover defines them as:

  • Veteran – built before 1910
  • Vintage – built between 1911 and 1950
  • Classic – built between 1951 and 1979
  • Modern classic – built between 1980 and 2010

What does classic car insurance cover?

What's covered

  • Comprehensive cover
    You’re covered if your car’s damaged in an accident, theft or fire
  • Laid-up cover
    If your car’s registered off-road, you’re covered for fire, theft or damage
  • European touring cover
    Cover for up to 90 days of European travel - including breakdown and recovery
  • Breakdown and recovery
    Breakdown and recovery services in the UK and Europe -although not including breaking down at home
  • Personal belongings
    Up to £500 for your bits and bobs
  • Driving other cars
    Drive any other car insured by Hagerty
  • Personal number plate
    Up to £5,000 cover if your personal plate is stolen
  • Personal accident cover
    £10,000 of personal accident cover for death, or loss of limbs or eyes.
  • Legal expenses
    Up to £100,000 cover for legal expenses

What's not covered

Unfortunately, we can’t cover everything. Make sure you’re comfortable with what’s not covered, including:

  • Racing and rallies
    If you’re taking part in or preparing for racing, rallies, trials or speed-testing in an organised or pre-arranged event, you’re not covered for loss or damage.
  • Electrical problems
    You’re not covered for things like damage or malfunctioning of electronic systems
  • Tyre damage
    Caused by braking, punctures, cuts or bursts

Make sure you’re up to speed on exactly what’s covered and what’s not by checking out the policy document.

Making a claim

If something happens to your classic car, give Hagerty a call straightaway on 0333 323 1243

They’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for both claims and breakdown emergencies. 

They’ll make sure all agreed repairs are carried out by an approved specialist and they’ll get your car back to you as quickly as possible. If the situation calls for it, they’ll also work with you to recover any costs from another party. 

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Get in touch

If you need to make a claim, give Hagerty a call as soon as it’s safe. Lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0333 323 12433 and select ‘Option 3’ to make a claim.

If you’ve broken down, choose ‘Option 1’ when asked.Calls to 03 numbers are charged at national call rates and are usually included in inclusive minute plans on both landlines and mobiles.  Charges may vary depending on your provider but free from UK landlines and mobiles. To protect us all, calls may be recorded and monitored.

Classic Car Insurance is introduced by Aviva UK Digital Limited (Registered in England No. 09766150. Registered Office: 8 Surrey Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 3NG) to Hagerty International Limited. Registered Office: The Arch Barn, Pury Hill Farm, Alderton, Towcester, Northants, NN12 7TB (Registered in England - No. 05454447). Both companies are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Insurance is underwritten by Aviva Insurance Limited. Registered in Scotland, No. SC002116. Registered Office: Aviva, Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH. Authorised and regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number: SC002116.