What is an immediate life annuity
If you're between 55-95, invest at least £7,500 as a one-off payment using your savings or tax-free cash from a maturing pension scheme. In exchange, we'll guarantee a steady income to you and any joint policyholders (annuitants), and potentially your beneficiaries if you pass away within the guarantee period.
The different annuity options you select will have an impact on the income you receive.
How it works in practice

Things to be aware of
If you take out one of our immediate life annuities.
Guarantee period
We offer a one-year guarantee period as standard, though you can extend this for up to 10 years. So, if you or other annuitants die after 90 days but within the guarantee period, we'll continue to pay out to the other annuitant or those named in your estate until the guarantee period ends. Depending on how long your retirement is, you may receive less in payments than the amount you paid for the annuity.
Value protection
If you (and other annuitants) die within 90 days of the plan's start date, we'll pay the annuity's value (minus any payments already made) to your estate or the estate of the last policyholder to die. This payment will include any guarantee period payments.
Changing your mind
You get 30 days to cancel your immediate life annuity once we’ve told you it's started, but you can't cash in this plan at any time. We’ll include a cancellation form within your confirmation pack. You'll have to return any income payments you've already received if you decide to cancel.
Tax implications
Our immediate life annuity may be taxed differently from pension annuities. So, with a self-funded plan, you'll likely only pay taxes on the interest earned, not on the repayment of the initial investment. Tax rules are subject to change and depend on individual circumstances.
Ready to get started?
You can get free, impartial guidance on your retirement options from the government-backed Pension Wise from MoneyHelper. An independent financial adviser will give you advice based on your own individual circumstances, and help you buy one of our annuities if you decide to do so.

Independent Adviser
When seeking financial guidance, it's essential to choose an independent adviser. Unbiased.co.uk offers a convenient platform to find qualified professionals in your local area, enabling you to make informed decisions with confidence.

Aviva financial advice
If you’d like support with your pension or retirement, Aviva Financial Advice can help.
More options at retirement
We've got a range of retirement options that could be right for you. Follow the links to find out more about how these work, their benefits, risks and costs.

Flexible income
Income drawdown is a flexible way of using your pension - whenever you want.

Pension annuity
Know exactly how much money you’ll get with our annuity that gives you a guaranteed income for the rest of your life.

Equity release
If you're a UK homeowner aged over 55, our lifetime mortgage is a way of borrowing money against your home. You can even safeguard a percentage of your home's value to pass to your loved ones, although this will reduce the amount you are able to borrow.