Wellbeing services

We’re right by your side on your wellness journey

Our wellbeing services are here to help you meet your health and wellbeing goals

Moneyfacts 5 Star Private Medical Insurance 2024 logo and Defaqto 5 Star PMI (Individual) 2024 expert rated logo

Tools to keep your body and mind in shape

Our health insurance is more than a safety net for when things go wrong. Healthier Solutions customers can also access our Wellbeing Services – a range of rewards, discounts and resources to support their physical and mental wellbeing. And even better, there’s nothing extra to pay as they’re included with our health cover as standard.

How do you access these benefits? You’ll be sent all the details with your policy.

From being there 24/7 when you're stressed to creating a personalised fitness plan, we include heaps of free services and tools to help you stay on your A game when it comes to everyday health matters.

Get Active

Regular exercise has numerous physical and mental benefits. Get Active helps get your body and mind in tip-top shape by giving you access to offers and discounts at gyms and health and leisure clubs across the UK. Available offers will be dependent on your location, but you could save on membership fees.

Save on memberships at health and fitness clubs nationwide

Company logo: David Lloyd Clubs
Company logo: The Gym Group
Company logo: PureGym

There’s also a range of discounts on products and services than can support a healthier lifestyle for both you and your family. You’ll get money off fitness equipment and fashion, discounts on fitness apps, outdoor pursuits, as well as meal planning and delivery offers that could help support healthy eating and habits. And if the idea of wearing Lycra in public brings you out in a cold sweat, there’s a range of on-demand online workouts available too.

Get discounts on healthy lifestyle brands and services

Get Active is the ultimate incentive to start your health and fitness journey. Check our terms and conditions (PDF 97 KB) to learn more.

Company logo: Fitbit
Company logo: Gousto
Company logo: Peloton

This is a non-contractual benefit that can be changed or removed at any time.


What is it?

MyHealthCounts can help you find out how healthy you are and could even save you money when you renew your insurance.

How’s it helpful?

Completing our online health assessment gives you a ‘Q score’ – a number used to calculate your discount. The higher your score, the lower your health risk.

Joining one of the 12 week programmes will give you advice and tips on how to improve key health areas to keep you cruising towards your health goals and potentially improve your score.

How can I get this?

If you’re a Healthier Solutions customer, you can use MyHealthCounts for free. When you're 18 or older, we'll invite you to join after you buy a policy.

Aviva Digital GP

Busy lives and busy GPs can turn arranging an appointment with your doctor into a logistical nightmare. But with our Aviva Digital GP app there’s no need to put your health and wellbeing on hold. Below are a few ways it can make getting support for your general medical concerns easier:

  • Book appointments through the app, 24/7
  • Get same day appointments or speak to a GP at a time that suits you
  • Virtual appointments from the comfort of home
  • Choose which GP you want to speak to speak to based on their profile
  • Order repeat prescriptions through the app
  • Choose the same GP you have previously appointed with (provided the consultation was within the last six months)
  • A copy of your consultation notes will be provided in app
  • Private prescriptions can be delivered to your home or collected from a pharmacy you nominate
  • Add up to 10 of your children under 16 to your account 

This is a non-contractual benefit that can be changed or removed at any time.

Mental health support

Understanding your mental health can help you take a more active approach to looking after your mind and topping up your positivity levels. That’s why we’ve pulled together articles that our Healthier Solutions customers can browse in their own time.

We cover topics such as handling stress, battling burn-out and how to sleep better. You’ll find practical tips to support your wellbeing day-to-day, and guidance to help lift your mood if you’re struggling.

Our hub of mental health and wellbeing articles could be a good first step to towards feeling more like yourself again.

This is a non-contractual benefit that can be changed or removed at any time.

Stress Counselling helpline

Whether it’s money worries, work stress, or family fall-outs keeping you awake at night, you can turn to the Stress Counselling helpline. And that could very well be in the middle of one of those sleepless nights as it’s free to use 24/7, every day of the year.

It’s not just about the ‘when’ but the ‘what’ too. And what you’ll get is a completely confidential chat with a trained counsellor. This can be useful if you’re struggling to speak to your friends and family about what’s troubling you, as it’s often easier to open up to a stranger.

There’s no limit on the number of calls you can make to the Stress Counselling helpline. So, even if it isn’t a problem shared to a problem solved in one call, it could be the start of a conversation that brings you back to feeling better.

Stress Counselling helpline is available 24/7 to all Aviva Health customers aged 16 or over.

Find out more about our health insurance

Start your climb to the peak of wellbeing with our health insurance options. It only takes five minutes to get a quote.

Calls may be recorded and/or monitored. Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines and mobiles are free. Our opening hours may be different depending on which team you need to speak to.