Tell us about a problem or complaint

Let us know about the problem

Any concerns or problems that matter to you, matter to us. We’ve made sure it’s quick and easy to tell us what’s gone wrong – and, importantly, what we can do to fix it for you.

Just let us know:

  • Your personal details
  • Your policy or claim details
  • What the problem is
  • What would turn the problem into progress

What happens next

We’ll always do everything we can to solve your problem - with as much speed and as little fuss as possible. 

Some issues may meet the definition of a complaint under the guidelines set out by our regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

If your problem meets this definition, and we can’t solve it for you quickly, then we’ll follow an FCA-approved process to make sure it gets the attention it deserves.


  • acknowledge your complaint promptly
  • assign a dedicated complaint expert to review it
  • carry out a thorough and impartial investigation
  • keep you updated on the investigation’s progress
  • do everything we can to resolve things as quickly as possible
  • give you a written response within 8 weeks of receiving your complaint, to either set out the results of our investigation or, if we can’t, explain why.

Our aim is always to solve the problem for you. If you’re not satisfied with our investigation or you think there’s additional information that could help give us more clarity, we’re happy to review our response.

If you're still not happy
You can also reach out to either the Financial or Pensions Ombudsman Service, depending on the nature of your complaint. 

The Financial Ombudsman Service
You have the right to ask them to review your complaint if we haven’t been able to resolve it within 8 weeks. They’re a free and impartial service and while we’re legally bound to accept their decision, you aren’t – reaching out to them won’t affect your legal rights.

Discover more about how the Financial Ombudsman Service works.


Get in touch
By telephone

0800 023 4567

By post

The Financial Ombudsman Service

Exchange Tower

London, E14 9SR



Financial Ombudsman Service


The Pensions Ombudsman Service
The Pensions Ombudsman Service is a free and impartial service that deals with disputes and complaints about how your pension scheme has been managed, whether that’s a personal pension or through a workplace scheme.

You’ll need to get in touch with them within three years of the issue occurring or within three years of when you first became aware of the issue. They can extend these time limits, but it’s always safer to be as prompt as possible.

Discover more about how the Financial Ombudsman Service works.


Get in touch
By telephone

0800 917 4487
By post

The Pension Ombudsman Service

10 South Colonnade, Canary Wharf

London, E14 4PU

By email

Our complaints data

We record and report how many complaints we receive and how quickly we resolve them. We group the data into four categories - and you can explore it all.