I need to update an existing health claim for someone on my policy

Before you continue, are you updating us about any of the following?

You’ve paid their excess

You don’t need to tell us you’ve paid their excess. Just bear in mind that this payment won’t show up on MyAviva – it only shows claim payments we’ve made.


You want to close their claim

Don’t worry, you don’t need to tell us you want to close their claim, that’s fine.

After you close it, it’ll show as Open on MyAviva until it’s been inactive for about six months. This is just precautionary – in case you need to re-open the claim later for any unexpected, intense flare ups of the same issue.

After six months the claim will appear as Historical.

You want to send us an invoice

Email any invoices to hcteam1@aviva.com

Make sure you include their policy/scheme number and full name.

Their treatment date has changed

You don’t need to let us know if their treatment date changes – that’s okay with us.