Before you cancel
Just so you know, cancelling completely isn't your only option, you can make sure your cover works for you.
You should explore all your options before you cancel, because if you need to take out a new policy later on, the cover could be more expensive as you age or your health has changed.
It’s a good idea to speak to a financial adviser first to double check it’s the right thing to do – and if you don’t have one, it’s easy to find one at . A financial adviser will be able to help you get the details you need to make an informed decision and can talk you through your other options so that whatever happens, you’re protected.
Please note if you decide to continue, we will cancel your policy immediately. If you don't wish for your policy to be cancelled straightaway please contact us nearer the time.
If you’ve thought about your options and definitely want to cancel, use the Continue button below. We’ll get the ball rolling, and if you change your mind afterwards and want to keep your cover, that’s totally fine. As long as you let us know within 30 days, we should be able to restore it in most instances. We won’t charge you anything to do this, as long as you pay any outstanding premiums, and nothing’s happened during that time that you could have made a claim for.