Death notification

You can get the process started online by completing this form

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Client number start with a C followed by numbers. Policy numbers start with up to three letters followed by numbers.

Deceased's details

Please give us details about the person who has died (the 'deceased').

Details of the death

Details of deceased's estate

An estate is what someone leaves behind when they die. It includes things like their property, assets and any financial holdings. The following questions help us work out who's responsible for dealing with the estate.

Notifiers details

Please give your details and your relationship to the deceased. Please note, we may not be in touch with yourself if there is an executor or spousal benefit on the policy.

Preferred method of contact

Do you have any additional support requirements you would like to make us aware of? Such as needing your documents in an alternative format or that you require additional support with communications e.g. a translator or being hard of hearing.

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