I want to notify you of a death

Before you continue

We understand that notifying us of a loved one's death can be difficult. To make this process as smooth as possible, you can use our online form to notify us of a death of someone who was receiving an annuity. It only takes a few questions.

Helpful information to have ready

Getting certain information together before you start can help you complete the form more easily. It may be useful to have handy:

  • Annuity client/policy number: This can be found in letters or documents from us, or as a reference number on the policyholder's bank statement.
  • Details of the person who has died’s estate: For example, information about their will and any appointed solicitor.

If you don't have all the details, don't worry. You can still complete the form, and we'll reach out if we need any additional information.

Next steps

Once we receive the form, if someone other than you is the executor or spouse of the person who died, we may need to contact them.

If you need to notify us of someone’s death in connection with a bulk purchase annuity policy (with a policy number starting with BPA), please contact us directly on 0800 158 4194.