The With-Profits Committee

Looking after your interests

About the committee

The Aviva With-Profits Committee is a group of independent experts who help us to look after your interests.

The committee bring outside expertise and oversight to make sure that we are meeting our responsibility to treat our With-Profits customers fairly.

The committee's objectives

The committee's objectives include:

  1. Challenging us to show that our decisions are fair to all With-Profits customers, particularly where one group is treated differently from another
  2. Checking we’re doing what we said we’d do. This means keeping to our 'Principles and Practices of Financial Management', a document setting out our approach to managing each of the With-Profits Sub-Funds
  3. Making sure we’re being fair to both new and existing With-Profits customers, and not favouring one group over the other
  4. Helping us make sure that we send clear and complete communications to With-Profits customers
  5. Requiring us to respond to any recommendations raised by the committee, and if they believe we haven’t, the committee can tell the Financial Conduct Authority so they can follow up

Read the full terms of reference (PDF 290 KB)

How the committee works

  • The committee meets about eight times a year. It works closely with our With-Profits Actuary and Capital Management Director. These are qualified technical experts who advise us on the management of our With-Profits Funds and life assurance business. The committee also has an independent actuarial adviser who provides extra expertise.
  • The committee sends the minutes of its meetings to our Board. The Chair of the Committee also attends the Board each year.
  • The committee regularly reviews its ways of working to identify improvements which can better reflect your interests.

Contact the committee

If you'd like to get in touch with the committee about any general With-Profits issues you can email

The committee do not deal with individual policies, please contact us if you have a question about your policy.