Court Scheme

Certificate and details

About our Schemes

A Court Scheme is a contract approved by the High Court of Justice in England and Wales that, under Part VII of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, sets out the conditions for transfer of business from one company to another.

The Scheme (PDF 9.09 MB) outlines how we must run the operations of the Aviva Life and Pensions UK Limited With-profits sub-funds and replaces the various past Court approved schemes that governed these sub-funds.

Previously, the 2013 Scheme detailed the conditions for the transfer of business from the With-profits sub-fund of Friends Life WL Limited to the WL With-profits Sub-Fund within Friends Life Limited, as well as the transfer of non-profit business from Friends Life WL Limited and Friends Life Company Limited. View the 2013 Scheme (PDF 844 KB).

You can view the certificate required by Section 75 of the Scheme in the Appendices of the Board Report to With-profits policyholders (PDF 927 KB).

This provides certification that actuarial and other matters covered by the Scheme have been complied with.