Breakdown cover frequently asked questions

What is Rescue & Recovery breakdown cover?

Rescue cover means that if your vehicle breaks down more than a quarter of a mile from your home address we will send a patrol out to repair it at the roadside. If it cannot be repaired within a reasonable time, or the patrol service person feels the repair is unwise we will transport your vehicle to a destination of your choice within 10 miles or to a nearby garage.

Transport for you and your passengers to that chosen destination will also be provided.

Recovery is the same as Rescue but if your vehicle cannot be repaired we will transport your vehicle, you and your passengers to your home address or any single address in the UK.

How do I contact Aviva breakdown service?

If you need help at the roadside please Contact Us to request a call out.

Can I get instant cover with Aviva breakdown cover?

As long as you haven’t broken down already, your breakdown cover will start as soon as your payment has been accepted. You’ll be covered for ‘Rescue’ for help at the roadside and a 10-mile tow during the first 24 hours. After 24 hours, your full cover will start.

Do you offer European breakdown cover?

You can add European breakdown cover to any of the standalone Aviva breakdown cover options. This cover includes:

  • Spare parts to be dispatched if they are required for repairs whilst your car's abroad
  • Extra accommodation expenses if you are stranded following a breakdown
  • Journey continuation or return home: the RAC will pay for car hire up to £125 per day up to a maximum of £1,500, if your car cannot be repaired immediately
  • The European cover provides for a replacement driver if the main driver is too unwell to continue driving (as certified by a doctor) and there is no other driver in the vehicle who could take over
  • Vehicle break in - the RAC will pay for repairs to make your car secure again following a break-in or an attempted break-in whilst abroad
  • Returning your car to the UK if it cannot be repaired

As part of European breakdown cover, the RAC also include a number of features which apply after you return home including:

  • Travel expenses to collect your vehicle that has been left abroad for repair
  • Replacement vehicle after your return: the RAC will pay for car hire up to £125 per day up to a maximum of £1,500, if your car cannot be repaired immediately.

Can I get cover for my caravan for breakdown?

Provided it is being towed at the time your vehicle breaks down, our breakdown cover can also recover your caravan. We do not provide cover if the caravan itself breaks down.

Cover limits and exclusions apply so for further information please see our policy booklet.

How do I change payment details?

If you need to make a change to your payment details please call us:

For breakdown insurance please call 0800 404 8344

How do I renew my policy?

Where we offer you renewal, your reminder will be sent to you at least 32 days before your renewal date. We will send the reminder in the post and we may also send you an email or text. Please ensure that that the information on your renewal documents is complete and accurate.

To renew your policy please call us:

For breakdown insurance please call 0800 404 8344*

If you pay by Direct Debit or a continuous card payment method, your policy will be automatically renewed unless:


  • You have cancelled the continuous payment authority;
  • We are unable to offer renewal using the same payment method (we will advise you of the reason in your renewal letter); or
  • You have opted out of automatic renewals.


For further details, please see 'Automatic Renewal of your policy' in the Important Information. Visit here for breakdown.

For information on renewing your home or motor policy, visit here.

*For our joint protection, telephone calls may be recorded and/or monitored and will be saved for a minimum of 5 years. Calls to 0800 and 0808 numbers from UK landlines and mobiles are free. The cost of calls to 03 prefixed numbers are charged at national call rates (charges may vary dependent on your network provider) and are usually included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles. Our opening hours may be different depending on which team you need to speak to.

What payment methods are available?

You can pay for all policies in one lump sum by credit card or Debit Debit. Some policies offer Direct Debit payments.

Your payment options will be made clear when you complete your quote.

Where can I find my policy number?

You can find your policy number on your policy documents, statement, email or letter we've sent you or it may be your reference number on your bank statement.

For motor, home, travel, bike and breakdown policies, this will be in the format of 3 letters followed by 9 numbers, e.g. MMV123456789

For life insurance, pension, annuities, investment bonds and income drawdown the policy number should contain letters, numbers and /.

The policy number may also be called: plan number, client number, plan details, bond number, arrangement number, member number or reference number.

On AvivaPlus you will receive a Subscription number beginning with AVP along with a policy number. The policy numbers begin with MTM for Motor Insurance and MTH for Home Insurance.

I have a Direct Debit policy what happens at renewal?

Where we offer your renewal by Direct Debit, you will be notified before your renewal date that the policy will automatically be renewed and the renewal premium will be collected by Direct Debit.

We will not automatically renew your policy if:


  • You have contacted us to cancel the continuous payment authority;
  • We no longer offer you payment by Direct Debit (If this happens we will advise you of this in your renewal letter and you will need to contact us to make payment before we can renew your policy); or
  • You have opted out of automatic renewals.


For further details on how this works, please see 'Automatic renewal of your Policy' in the Important Information. Visit here for home, visit here for motor and visit here for breakdown.

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  • Use the ''Profile'' button
  • Select ''Chat now''

Please note Live Chat is subject to availability between the opening hours of Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm, Saturday - 8:30 - 5pm and Sunday 10am - 4pm.

New customers

If you don't yet have a policy with us, please use our contact details page to find the right number to call us on.