How to get proof of your no claim discount
Find all the details on getting proof of your no claim discount.

Your insurer may offer you a no claim discount as a reward for being a careful driver. Not making any claim on your car insurance in the past 12 months could unlock this benefit. This will mean a discount on your premium when you next renew, based on the no claim discount amount. However, please note that the overall policy premium may still increase due to other factors.
Why do I need proof?
The longer you go without claiming on your insurance, the greater your no claim discount may be.
If you switch to a new insurance provider and have accumulated a no claim discount, you can transfer it to your new insurer. This allows you to present proof of your no-claim history, ensuring you don’t lose the no claim discount you’ve earned.
How do I get proof of my no claim discount (NCD)?
Here are four ways to track down your no claim discount proof:
- Insurance renewal documents - Check your insurance policy details. You can log on to your account with your current car insurer to find your policy information. Or you can usually find these as paper documents sent through the post.
- Cancellation letter - When you cancel your car insurance policy, you'll receive a confirmation letter. Check this letter or email for details on your no-claim history.
- Contact past insurer - Get in touch with your insurer to request a formal letter stating your no-claim history.
- Contact current insurer - By logging into your MyAviva online account to review your insurance policy, you can often access renewal or cancellation documents and request proof of your no claim discount without needing to call us. Additionally, authorised insurers can view your no-claim record through the Motor Insurance Bureau's NCD database.
What counts as proof of no claim discount?
Here's what counts and what your new insurer will want to see:
- An official company headed document in electronic or paper format
- The main driver’s name
- The vehicle registration number
- The number in years of no claim discount earned.
- The date of cancellation or renewal
- Make sure the image is clear, as we need to check all the information outlined.
Understanding your no claim discount
At Aviva, we reward safe driving with our no claim discount. This discount is applied to your car insurance premium for each year you drive without making a claim. The discount increases the longer you go without making a claim. Essentially, if you don’t file any claims for a certain period, your discount will grow, rewarding you for maintaining a claim-free record. However, once your no claim discount reaches a certain point, the year-on-year benefits will become less significant. It's our way of saying thank you for being a careful driver and helping you save on your insurance costs. Remember, protecting your NCD can keep your premiums lower even if you need to make a claim.
How do I know how much no claim discount I have?
You can reach out to your existing or previous car insurer and ask them to confirm in writing or check your insurance documents. If you can access MyAviva online, this may be the most direct way to check.
What if I’ve earned no claim discount on motor insurance overseas?
Does my no-claim from abroad count?
If you've earned a no claim discount overseas, your insurer may consider it. There may be stricter rules around this, you might need written proof from your previous insurer. Have a chat with your insurer first to understand what you'll need to show as proof.
We'll accept your no claim discount if it was earned in the following countries:
European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA)
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Cyprus (South), Republic of Ireland, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
Other countries:
Andorra, Australia, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Gibraltar, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Hong Kong, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, Republic of Korea (South), Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, United States of America, Zimbabwe, Cayman Islands, The Republic of North Macedonia, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Ukraine.
Proof of your NCD should also:
- be in English. We’ll also accept an English translation of the document, alongside the original version. But the translation must be by an authorised/sworn translator with the appropriate seal/signature of authenticity. We’ll also need contact details of the insurance company including telephone number, email address, and postal address.
- be on official company headed paper
- be in the main driver’s name
- show the vehicle details
- confirm the number of years the NCD was built up over
- show the date the policy expired
How long do I have to give proof of my no claim discount?
You'll have 7 to 28 days to give your NCD proof after your cover begins. If you can't show it by then, you'll risk having the insurance cancelled or your premium going up. Different insurers may have slight variations in the exact timeframe, but the practice of requiring NCD proof within a few weeks of the policy start date is common across the industry.
How long does my no claim discount last?
Your no claim discount will remain valid for up to two years after your car insurance expires, provided it is not being used on another policy. If you don’t drive or renew your insurance within this two-year period, you risk losing your NCD and may need to start building it up again once you resume driving. Additionally, if you have been living abroad or driving a company car, you may need to provide written evidence of your insurance history to transfer your no claim discount. If you’re not the main driver on a policy, you will lose your NCD.
How do I send in or upload proof of my no claim discount?
To send your no claim discount (NCD) to Aviva, you have a couple of options:
Upload via MyAviva:
- Log in to your MyAviva account (or register if you haven’t already).
- Find your motor policy.
- Upload your proof of NCD directly through the platform.
Send your proof of NCD to the following address:
NCD Validation Team
PO Box 3445
Make sure your proof of NCD is in English, and includes the main driver’s name, vehicle details, number of years the NCD was built up, and the date the policy expired.
If you need further assistance, feel free to contact Aviva’s motor customer support.