Telematics car insurance

As an inexperienced driver, you may look for ways to show your safe driving abilities.

For some drivers, installing a device in their car to monitor driving behaviour may lead to lower car insurance rates, but it ultimately depends on the actual driving behaviour, which could also result in higher costs.

What is telematics car insurance?

Devices monitor your driving habits using one of three types. Although these devices all serve the same purpose, you may come across them referred to as:

  • black box car insurance 
  • connected car insurance 
  • smartbox insurance. 

It’s a way for insurers to gauge how safe you are as a driver.

How is the device installed?

The devices may be installed in a combination of one of three ways:

  1. mobile phone app on your smartphone 
  2. telematics black box, which is a small box installed (ideally by a professional) inside your car
  3. plug in box, which is fitted to your On Board Diagnostic port (OBD).

What does a telematics device record?

Although this depends on the insurer, generally your telematics device will record your: 

  • speed, how fast you drive 
  • braking, how harshly you brake
  • cornering, how fast you turn a corner 
  • time, when you drive
  • miles (or usage), how many miles driven or amount of journeys 
  • roads, what type of roads you drive 

Check with your insurer to know exactly what they monitor, as it should be in the policy details.

How does telematics car insurance work?

Once you find a telematics insurance policy that fits your needs, you’ll have a device either fitted to your car and/or installed on your smartphone.

Your insurer will begin collecting information about your driving habits and, over time, assign you a driving score. If your insurer offers updates, they will be provided either through an app or a dedicated account.

If you’re aged 17-29, you could pay less with our connected motor policy, Connect where an app monitors your driving and gives you a personalised renewal price and regular rewards – simply for driving safely. However, your policy may be cancelled if you regularly drive unsafely.

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