Third party, fire and theft car insurance

Third-party, fire and theft is the minimum level of cover we offer car insurance customers. It's there if you injure another person, or cause damage to their car or property.

What is third party, fire and theft car insurance?

While this is our lower level of cover, it gives you more cover than the basic ‘third party’ cover that everyone legally needs on the road in the UK. However, third party, fire and theft won't cover you or your car, so you'll have to pay for any damage to your own car, and for any costs if you're injured.

What is covered?

  • Injury to others, including your passengers
  • Damage you caused to someone else's vehicle
  • Damage to someone else's property
  • Theft or fire damage to your own vehicle
  • A contribution towards any legal fees that might come about if you’re in an accident

What's not covered?

  • Damage you caused to your own car
  • Cover for driving someone else’s car
  • Cover for your own private treatment if you cause an accident
  • Breakdown cover, although this can usually be added as an extra
  • Any punctures, cuts or bursts to your tyres
  • Electrical breakdown
  • Cover for you, your partner or named drivers in case of serious injury or death from a road accident that you're legally liable for

Third party, fire and theft vs comprehensive car insurance: what's the difference?

With comprehensive cover, you're covered whether or not you're to blame.

Comprehensive includes everything covered under third-party, fire and theft, plus damage to your own vehicle and can include injury to you or named drivers.

Comprehensive cover can also include extras like using the wrong fuel or losing your car key. Some of these features might cost extra, so always check your policy documents.

Learn about the difference between comprehensive insurance and third-party fire and theft insurance

Get a third party, fire and theft car insurance quote with Aviva

Whether it’s third party, fire and theft or comprehensive cover you’re exploring, get a quote for our car insurance in minutes!

Find out more about car insurance

In short, it helps cover you against the cost of accidents, damage and theft. Exactly what we cover and how much for is down to the level of insurance you choose.

Find out more