Where should I park my car overnight?
Learn about how you can safely park overnight and find out how where you park can impact your car insurance.

Parking your car overnight is about more than just finding the best spot. Thinking about things like safety, accessibility, and convenience are all important factors, as well as knowing about where you park your car might affect your car insurance. We’ll explore some common choices for parking your car at night and look into ways you can help keep your vehicle safe.
Where would be the best place to park my car overnight?
If you’re thinking about where to leave your car at night, you might be thinking of any of the following:
- Driveway: if you have a driveway, use it – not only is it convenient, but it’s your own private land which is generally safer than public property.
- Locked garage: This is one of the safest ways to park your car overnight.
- Street parking: Many people won’t have driveways, particularly in urban areas, so street parking is a popular choice but it’s not always safe and security can vary depending on location.
- Residential car park: If you live in a residential complex, you might have a private car park for tenants. Sometimes, you may even have a reserved spot included.
- Public car park: While they’re usually well-lit and monitored by CCTV, they may have time limits and high fees.
- Locked compound: Anywhere with tightly controlled access using key codes or a key fob is a safe bet for parking overnight.
Where is the safest place to park my car overnight?
The safest overnight parking options are usually private or secured areas where only you or other authorised people have access. A locked garage or locked compound are the best options for keeping your vehicle safe overnight. Adding secure measures to your home, like a doorbell with CCTV or another type of security camera attached to your property, can also deter thieves or provide evidence for you if there is a theft.
Does where I park my car overnight affect my insurance?
In short, yes. Parking in less safe areas may make your car more vulnerable to vandalism or thieves. Insurers will take into account where you usually keep your car overnight when they weigh up the likelihood of theft or damage to your car.
Parking in a public space could lead to your premiums going up because it’s seen as higher risk. Always let your insurer know where your car is parked overnight to make sure you’re fully covered. Giving your insurer information that isn’t right may impact claims you make in the future.
How can I reduce the risks of theft when parking overnight?
Here are some tips on how to minimise risks such as theft when you’re parking overnight:
- Install security devices: Think about investing in anti-theft devices, like steering wheel locks or a car immobiliser. Physical barriers are the best when it comes to car thieves.
- Park near surveillance: If you’re parking in a public area, park near CCTV cameras, or check nearby for CCTV-controlled doorbells on a residential street.
- Avoid leaving valuables in your car: Especially when visible, valuable items in your car can attract the attention of thieves.
By choosing safe parking options and ensuring you provide your insurers with accurate information, you can help make sure your vehicle is safe overnight and that your insurance premiums aren’t impacted.