Welcome to the shortlist
Finding the right investment fund can be like solving a maze with a countless number of paths.
That's why we created our experts' shortlist. Our team of investors sift through the charts and prices to select funds that could be right for you.
Remember, the value of your investments can go down as well as up, and you may get back less than you've put in.
Say hello to Aviva Investors
The research team behind the shortlist is made up of seasoned investment analysts. Think of them as financial market detectives, uncovering hidden gems for you to explore.

Luca Dal Mas, CFA, CFTE
Multimanager Team Lead
CFA and CFTe Charterholder

Amrish Patel, CFA
Senior Manager Research Analyst
CFA Charterholder

Cameron Falconer, CFA, CAIA
Head of Investment Oversight & Manager Research
CFA and CAIA Charteholder

Marco Concina
Investment Manager Research Analyst
How do we choose our funds?
The funds on our experts’ shortlist are actively-managed or passive funds from across a range of sectors which our research team expect to outperform in the future. For investors looking for more sustainable options our experts also check for environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in the funds they select for the shortlist. Each fund on the shortlist is reviewed regularly to ensure it's continuing to perform in line with our expectations and in line with its objective.

Passive funds
The aim of passive funds is to replicate the performance of the index they are tracking. For example, the objective of a UK equity index tracker fund will be to replicate the performance of the FTSE All-Share Index. This is why they can also be known as tracker funds.
Passive funds can provide a cost-effective way to invest. Charges tend to be less than for an actively managed fund.

Active funds – go beyond average
Active funds are managed by fund mangers who aim to do better than the standard performance for a specific sector or a regional market, such as the US. The fund managers of actively managed funds carefully select investments they believe have the potential to perform even better than well-known indices, such as the FTSE All-Share index.
Shortlist updates
This is where we keep the latest news on the funds we've added and removed. When two funds are similar, we give a thumbs-up to the one that cares more about the environment, people, and where there's evidence that it is investing sustainably.
The shortlist now includes the ability to display sustainability labels and associated consumer-facing disclosure documents.
Further information can be seen on the experts' shortlist.
Funds removed
- July 2024
Federated Hermes Global High Yield Credit Fund - July 2024
Federated Hermes Multi Strategy Credit Fund - August 2024
JOHCM UK Dynamic Fund - December 2024
Lindsell Train UK Equity Fund
Before you use the shortlist
You’ll find the shortlist helpful if you know your investment preferences and want to speed up your fund-finding journey. If this doesn’t apply to you, you may want to explore our other options:
Universal Retirement Fund
An option that could suit you if you’re planning a pension and want a simple way to invest. Your exposure to the stock market will be reduced in order to provide stability as you get closer to retirement.
Ready-made funds
A great choice for investors looking for a hands-off approach. Simply choose your risk level and Aviva will do the rest.
Full investment fund range
Beyond our shortlist, we have more than 4,000 other funds to choose from. Use the filters to pick what's important to you and discover the right fund for your needs.
Find a shortlist fund now
Take a look at the funds picked by the manager research team, and see what’s right for you.
Don’t take it personally
The information on this page is not a specific recommendation to you and your circumstances. If you need advice based on your unique needs, you may want to speak to a financial adviser.
For important information on the service we will be providing you with, read key facts about our services and charges.