Bringing your pensions together
As you move from job to job and potentially change addresses it can be tricky to keep track of your pensions. With every new one it’s more admin to deal with. By bringing them together you can have a clearer view of how much money you'll have for retirement, where it’s invested and what you’re being charged. With Aviva, combining them is free.
Just bear in mind, the value of a pension can go down as well as up – and you could get back less than the amount that's been paid in.
It's always important to consider any guaranteed or valuable benefits that your existing pensions may have, comparing charges between them and the investment choices available as part of your decision.
If you already have the details for the pensions you want to bring together, you can log in and start a transfer straight away. Capital at risk
Log in to start your transfer
Find and Combine
Need help finding your old or lost pensions or need more information about ones you already know about?
Take control of your pensions. Our free service can hunt them down, check for certain benefits and fees, and even bring them together. Capital at risk.
Things to think about before combining pensions
- Pension benefits and guarantees
Check your pensions for guaranteed or valuable benefits like a guaranteed income, the ability to take more than 25% as a tax-free lump sum, loyalty bonuses, life insurance and early access to your savings, as you could lose these by transferring. - Protected pension age below the normal minimum pension age
If your pension has a protected pension age, it might allow you to take your pension before the government's normal minimum pension age.
The current normal minimum pension age is 55. This will be rising to 57 from 6 April 2028. Our Find and Combine service doesn’t currently check whether your current pension could have a protected pension age of less than 57 after April 2028.
If you transfer your pension, you might lose this benefit so we recommend speaking to your current provider to confirm. Find out more about changes to the normal minimum pension age. - Pension administration and exit fees
We won’t charge you to transfer your pension to us, but it’s wise to check if your existing pension provider charges an exit fee. Before you transfer, check how much your pension provider charges on your old pensions and compare that with our charges so you’re aware of the difference. - You're not guaranteed to be better off
Although bringing all your pensions together can have many benefits, there's no guarantee that you'll be better off in retirement. If you decide to cancel your transfer, your current provider may not accept it back. - Employer contributions
If your employer pays into one of the pensions you’re considering transferring to us, you'll need to talk to them before transferring, as a transfer may mean they stop paying into it.
If you’re unsure about transferring pensions, please speak to your financial adviser. If you don’t have one, you can find an up-to-date list of regulated advisers at MoneyHelper.
Pension transfer FAQs
What's the cost of transferring my pension?
What happens to investments during the transfer process?
How long does it take to transfer a pension?
Are there any pensions that can't be moved using the online transfer journey?
If you want more help thinking about pensions and retirement, a good place to begin is MoneyHelper, the government-backed free guidance service. The MoneyHelper service won’t tell you what you should do, but they’ll provide you with information to help you understand your options.
For more advice, you should speak to your financial adviser. Bear in mind they may charge a fee for this advice, but it will be personalised to your individual needs. If you don’t have an adviser, you can find an up-to-date list of regulated advisers at MoneyHelper.

Log in or register to start a transfer with us
Log into MyAviva
- From a browser, log into your MyAviva account and go to the "Policy details" page. Select "Transfer a pension" and follow the instructions
- If you are accessing via the MyAviva app, select "Manage" and then "Transfer another pension to Aviva"
Log into MyWorkplace
If you have a Workplace pension with an account number starting with "GS", or a membership number starting with "F".
- Log into your MyWorkplace account and go to the "Policy details" page
- Go to "Transfer into your Aviva Pension". Select "Find out more about transferring" and follow the instructions provided
You may need your policy number if you haven't accessed your account online before.
Put more pieces of the pension puzzle together

Should I combine my pensions into one pot?
Transferring all your pensions into one could save time and provide a clearer picture when you’re making retirement plans. Capital at risk.

What's pension tax relief all about?
Understand how pension tax relief works, what it's based on and the impact it has on paying into your pension.

What you need to know about defined benefit transfers
If you have a defined benefit pension, you may be able to transfer into another type of pension.

Should I pay extra into my workplace pension?
Things to consider if you want to boost your retirement fund.

Six simple tricks to help you boost your pension
Giving your pension savings a little push can make a big difference. Capital at risk.
MyAviva and MyWorkplace are owned and operated by Aviva Insurance Limited.
Aviva Pension Trustees UK Limited. Registered in England No. 2407799. Aviva, Wellington Row, York, YO90 1WR. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Firm Reference Number 465132.
Aviva Life & Pensions UK Limited. Registered in England No. 3253947. Aviva, Wellington Row, York, YO90 1WR. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number 185896. Member of the Association of British Insurers.
Aviva Investment Solutions UK Limited Registered in England No. 6389025. Aviva, Wellington Row, York, YO90 1WR. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Firm Reference Number 515334.