Take charge of your workplace pension
Your workplace pension is a crucial part of the journey towards your retirement goals – which means you should be both in the know and in control. When it’s with Aviva, you can check your pension savings – and see where it’s being invested – whenever you want.
You can also update your personal details, nominate beneficiaries and find retirement planning tools, simply by logging into your online account. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the first thing on your morning to-do list or the idea strikes you just before bed – you’re in control 24/7.
How your workplace pension works
Your employer will usually set up your workplace pension for you without you having to ask. Here's what happens after that.

Benefits of your workplace pension
Invest well to rest well
All the money you pay into your pension will be invested. All investments involve some risk, but it also has the potential to grow your money over time.
You should remember the value of your pension can go down as well as up and you could get back less than has been paid in.
Value for money
All pension schemes are assessed to make sure they’re offering value for money to their members and that they’re properly looked after. In some schemes, this is done by the trustees, supported by professional advisers, while in others it’s done by an Independent Governance Committee (IGC).
How to keep in touch with your workplace pension
Whether this is your first workplace pension or one of many you have, knowing where it is at every moment could save plenty of paper trail detective work later. Following your pension's progress could also help you feel on the right path, or give you the opportunity to reassess your plans sooner.
Here's how to check it through your online Aviva account:
If your pension plan number starts with ‘TK’ or ‘SP’
If your account number starts with GS or your membership number starts with F
Pension planning and support
Simply having a pension may give you a future-proofed feeling. But with a quick check-in here and a little attention there, you could offer it the best chance to reach its potential. Here are some tips and tools to help.

Leaving a job with an Aviva pension
Leaving a company that pays into an Aviva pension means your payments in may stop, but that’s not the end of the story. It’s worth knowing the things you can do right away to make sure your pension stays working hard for you, and what you could do with it next.

Bringing your pensions together
Sometimes fewer pensions can be simpler. They're not scattered so far and wide. There may be less paperwork. Perhaps even lower overall admin fees. So if you have a handful of workplace pensions, see if combining them into one pension might be right for you.

Aviva Financial Advice
If you’ve got pensions, investments or savings worth £150,000 or more, Aviva Financial Advice can build a personalised plan for you using products from Aviva and other carefully selected investment partners.

Our pension calculator
Tap in a few details about yourself and any pensions you have. You'll then see how much your pensions could be worth to you in retirement, based on different ways of taking the money.

Shape my future
This tool matches your potential retirement income against how you imagine your lifestyle to look once you wave goodbye to work – including household bills, food costs and holidays.

All our retirement tools and calculators
There's more where those came from. We can help you crunch the numbers to build a clearer picture of your future years and money, from your life expectancy to the tax you'll pay on your pension withdrawals.
How to use your pension when the moment arrives
When it comes to pensions, there’s loads you can do with what you’ve built once you reach your retirement date. The secret to hitting your retirement goals is making your pension work its socks off. Have a nose through the options available to you.

Take the money
You could take your pension as one lump sum withdrawal. Check out what this means for your retirement and what your other options are.

Draw an income when it suits you
If your retirement lifestyle needs flexibility, an income drawdown could be for you. It lets you draw as much of your pension as you need, when you need it.

Leave your pension to grow
Keep your nest egg growing by leaving your money right where it is – it could make a big difference.

Get a guaranteed income for life
A pension annuity gives you a guaranteed income for the rest of your life – so you can reach for your retirement goals from a rock-solid base.

Mix and match
Choosing a mixture of retirement options could be the best way to help you reach your goals.