Update your details and make sure your investments, pensions, and insurance policies are all in order
Moving house can be like trying to spin plates and juggle all at once – so it’s no wonder things can get lost along the way. We can’t help you find the first CD you ever bought or the charger for your tablet, but we can help make sure you’re not missing any policies that you’ve paid for over the years.
Our mission is to reconnect you with policies that might have slipped your mind following a change of address – including those you might have had with these companies, which have since become part of Aviva:
- Colonial Life
- Commercial Union
- Equity & Law
- Friends Life
- Friends Provident
- General Accident
- Hibernian
- London & Manchester
- National Mutual
- Norwich Union
- Sun Life
- UK Provident
- Winterthur Life
We’re touching base by email and post, so we can update our records and make sure you’re not missing out. Your letter or email contains a unique code – all you need to do is use it to verify your new details.
Three ways to verify your details

Find who’s responsible for your policy with the Association of British Insurers (ABI)
We’re a member of the Association of British Insurers (ABI). They help people keep track of their pensions, savings, and investments and one way they do this is by keeping an up-to-date members-only register of financial service companies that may have merged, changed their name, or been sold to another company. Visit their website to find out which company is now responsible for your policy, and how to contact them.
For our joint protection, telephone calls may be recorded and/or monitored and will be saved for a minimum of 5 years. Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines and mobiles are free.