Aviva MyDrive Terms of Use

These Aviva MyDrive Terms of Use (the “MyDrive Terms”) govern your access and use of the MyAviva in-app feature, Aviva MyDrive (“MyDrive”).

Please read these MyDrive Terms carefully. By using MyDrive, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you don’t agree to these Terms, you can’t use MyDrive. A copy of these MyDrive Terms is also available to view in the MyAviva app.

MyDrive is provided to you by Aviva UK Digital Limited on behalf of the Aviva Group (“Aviva”, “us”, “we” or “our”). Full company information can be found in the “About Us” section of these MyDrive Terms below.

As MyDrive is a feature of the MyAviva app, your use of MyDrive is governed not only by these MyDrive Terms but also the MyAviva app Terms of Use, which you’re asked to read and agree to when you first download and access the MyAviva app. The MyAviva app Terms of Use govern your use of the actual MyAviva app. If you want to read them again, you can find the MyAviva app Terms of Use here. Please note these MyDrive Terms are in addition to the MyAviva app Terms of Use and should be read together with them. If there’s any conflict or ambiguity between the MyDrive Terms and the MyAviva app Terms of Use, these MyDrive Terms take precedence.

MyDrive is an optional feature of the MyAviva app and doesn’t form part of your insurance policy with Aviva.

If anything is unclear to you about MyDrive or these Terms, please contact us using the details in the “Contact Us” section below. 


MyDrive is an in-app feature of the MyAviva app which monitors and scores how you drive.

MyDrive will analyse your driving behaviours and, in return, provide you with insights, tips and feedback on how to improve your driving. If you use MyDrive for at least sixty (60) days from your first journey and complete a minimum of four hundred (400) miles, at least thirty-three (33) days before your Aviva Online or Aviva Premium motor insurance policy ends you may receive a discount on next year’s policy price.

Who can use MyDrive

To be able to use MyDrive, you must:

  1. Be an Aviva Online or Aviva Premium motor insurance single policyholder with a policy number starting 72XXXXXXX;
  2. Have a MyAviva account in your name; and
  3. Have the MyAviva app downloaded on your supported device.

MyDrive should have no problem working on all phones that support the MyAviva app. However, occasionally, it might not work quite as reliably as it should on certain makes of phones, like Xiaomi, because of the hardware or software they use.

MyDrive can also be accessed and used on tablets that support the MyAviva app. However, for MyDrive to work properly, your tablet has to be cellular and contain gyroscope and accelerometer technology in order to record your driving. Some older tablets may not have this technology so please check your tablet’s technical specifications. 

Discount eligibility

To be eligible for a discount, you must tick off the following requirements thirty-three (33) days before your motor insurance policy ends because this is when we send you your renewal quote:

(a) Use MyDrive for at least sixty (60) days from your first journey.

i. You must share your driving data with us (by using MyDrive) for a minimum of 60 days to allow us to gain an understanding of your driving behaviours.

(b) Use MyDrive to complete and record a minimum of four hundred (400) miles.

i. These 400 miles can be completed over a period of time and across a number of journeys

ii. This mileage requirement doesn’t have to be completed within the 60 days mentioned above.

As an example, if your renewal date is 1 January 2023, you will need to have completed both requirements by 29 November 2022 to be eligible for a discount.

If you satisfy the above requirements, we may offer you a discount on your renewal price that takes into consideration your driving scores and ratings, along with our usual insurance pricing factors.

We won’t increase your renewal price based on your personal use of MyDrive (if, for example, you have achieved poor driving scores or ratings). However, you may still receive an increase because of the driving data we receive from all MyDrive users overall, along with other general factors that can affect the price of your insurance.

Please note that only the main policyholder can be eligible for a discount on their renewal price.

MyDrive discount terms and conditions:

  1. You must be able to use MyDrive (see “Who can use MyDrive” above).
  2. You must satisfy the discount eligibility criteria, as set out above.
  3. Any discount offered only applies to the standard cover it does not apply to optional extras.
  4. This offer may be withdrawn at any time. If a discount or other benefits are no longer offered, we may still continue to monitor your driving via the MyDrive feature until such time you turn off the feature.
  5. No responsibility is accepted by us if we fail to monitor your driving for any day(s) or journey(s) because of something outside our reasonable control and this means you are unable to use MyDrive and/or fail to meet the discount eligibility criteria.

Getting started

To get started, download and log in to the MyAviva app with your MyAviva account login details. Once logged in, click on the MyDrive icon. You’ll need to enable several in-app tracking permissions so MyDrive can record your journeys and monitor your driving behaviours.

These permissions may be phrased differently depending on the type of supported device you are using. Some devices call these permissions “Location Services” and “Motion and Fitness” ,whereas other devices call these permissions “Location Services” and “Activity Recognition”. In some cases, the user will also have to enable “Phone Activity” (so that we can detect distracted driving events) and switch off “Battery Optimisation” (so MyDrive can run in the background to detect journeys).

For MyDrive to work properly, these permissions must always be on. If you disable any of these permissions, we’ll notify you with in-app alerts. While these permissions must be enabled at all times, we’ll only record information about your location, motion and phone usage when MyDrive believes you’re driving.

You’ll also be asked to enable push notifications so we can send you driving tips and keep you up to date with your latest driving scores. However, unlike the in-app tracking permissions, push notifications are optional and aren’t essential for MyDrive to work properly.

Because MyDrive is a feature of the MyAviva app, switching off your MyDrive permissions will switch them off for the entire MyAviva app too. So, for example, if you turn off push notifications for MyDrive, you won’t receive any notifications from the MyAviva app in general.

Once you’ve selected your permissions, you’ll see an activation page to confirm MyDrive is activated. If you don’t see this activation page, please contact us. 

Using MyDrive

Once you’ve activated MyDrive, you do not need to log in to the MyAviva app every time you drive. So long as your in-app tracking permissions are enabled and your phone isn’t in airplane mode or switched off, MyDrive will run in the background and automatically record your journeys and monitor your driving behaviours.

For each journey, MyDrive will capture and record:

  • Time and date of journey
  • Distance travelled (which is miles driven)
  • Car dynamics (for example, speed, braking, acceleration and cornering)
  • Location data (GPS coordinates)
  • Phone usage (also referred to as distracted driving)
  • Phone call status and audio pathway*
  • Road type (for example, rural or urban)
  • Journey route, including location of journey start point and end point

*Please note “phone call status” and “audio pathway” are only to work out if you’re on a call and, if so, whether you’re using a handsfree kit to speak or your phone’s internal microphone and speaker. No call details or conversations will be recorded.

MyDrive will process this information in order to map out your journeys and generate your driving scores. For further information about how this information is processed and about how driving scores work, please see below.

IMPORTANT: MyDrive automatically detects and records journeys by using multiple data points and minimum thresholds based on speed, time driving and distance travelled. It doesn’t rely on you confirming that you’re driving and when you’ve finished driving. So, please note the following when using MyDrive:

  • Once a journey has been detected, MyDrive will always assume that you’re the driver. If you’re not the driver (for example, you’re travelling as a passenger or are using public transport) you must let us know to make sure this journey doesn’t count towards your driving score. You can do this by clicking on the journey’s details in the MyDrive dashboard. Once you’ve let us know, this can’t be changed - the journey will be saved as a passenger journey and removed from the MyDrive dashboard. Once you start using MyDrive and start updating journeys where you’re the passenger, MyDrive will learn this behaviour and get to know you and your driving. It will get better at detecting when you aren’t driving and automatically save those as passenger journeys. This means they won’t be displayed in MyDrive and you won’t have to go in and change them yourself.
  • MyDrive will stop recording journeys when it no longer detects adequate motion. So, if you’re in very slow moving traffic or at a standstill, MyDrive may stop recording (because it thinks the journey has finished) and then restart the recording as a separate new journey when you start moving again.

MyDrive can record and display journeys made in the UK and abroad. Because journeys are automatically recorded, please make sure you’re aware of any mobile data charges that may apply should you drive outside the UK.

MyDrive can also be used in any vehicle you’re insured to drive, including rental vehicles.

Driving scores and ratings

For every journey you make, you’re given a driving score out of 100 based on certain driving behaviours recorded by MyDrive.

Each journey will also receive a colour rating. Green means you’re driving well, amber means you’re driving well but there’s room for improvement, and red means there’s more room for improvement.

The driving behaviours that MyDrive records are:

  • Cornering
  • Acceleration
  • Braking
  • Speed
  • Phone distraction

This is combined with speed limit data and information about how and when you use your car, like journey routes and times, to work out your driving score.

The driving score you’re shown in the score tab in MyDrive is based on driving data recorded over a 30-day rolling period.

Phone distraction

If you use your phone while driving, MyDrive may record this as distracted driving. It will decide how serious the distraction was based on information like how fast you were driving and how long you were using your phone. Even if you are making or receiving phone calls hands-free, these would still be considered as distracting driving and could impact your driving scores and ratings as a result.

Remember, MyDrive can’t tell the difference between you using your phone and a passenger. So, no one else in the car should use or play with your phone when you’re driving.

How to bump up your driving score

The safer you drive, the higher your driving score will be. So, things like gradual acceleration and gentle cornering and braking are going to help you get a good score. However, unsafe driving behaviours like harsh braking, fast acceleration and speeding will count against you.

Feedback and insights

MyDrive detects how you’re driving and, based on that, will show how you can improve with bite-size guidance and advice. For example, we’ll give you tips on how to brake safely using advice from the Highway Code and Gov.co.uk website.

Within MyDrive, you’ll be able to compare how you’ve driven one week compared to how you did a previous week. You will also be able to see the total number of miles you’ve done, how many hours you’ve driven for, and the number of journeys you’ve taken.

Providing you with driving feedback, tips and insights is an integral part of MyDrive and so we will regularly get in touch via in-app alerts, emails, SMS and if enabled, push notifications. Except for push notifications, you cannot opt-out of receiving these communications.

Restrictions and cancellation

In addition to the restrictions set out in the MyAviva app Terms of Use, your access and use of MyDrive may be suspended or cancelled immediately and without notice in certain circumstances. This includes:

  • If we suspect you’ve stated you weren’t the driver of certain journeys when in fact you were;
  • If we suspect someone other than you is accessing your MyAviva account and using MyDrive on your behalf;
  • You don’t enable your in-app tracking permissions so MyDrive can work properly;
  • We can provide evidence of app misuse;
  • Your Aviva Online or Aviva Premium motor insurance policy expires or is suspended or cancelled;
  • You breach these MyDrive Terms or the MyAviva app Terms of Use; or
  • We are no longer able to provide the MyDrive feature.

In the event of any suspension or cancellation, you may no longer be eligible to receive a discount even if you’ve already satisfied the criteria to get one.

We may disable your MyDrive access if you're no longer eligible for any reason. Should that happen, and you later become eligible again, we won't take you back through the onboarding and permissions screens, as you've already completed them and accepted the terms.

Disabling MyDrive

You can stop using MyDrive at any time. However, once disabled, you won’t be able to see your previous journeys or driving scores and ratings.

To disable MyDrive, click on the “More” tab in the MyAviva app dashboard and then “MyDrive” > “Disable MyDrive”.

Once you disable MyDrive, we will no longer be able to record your journeys or monitor your driving behaviours, even if your in-app tracking permissions are still enabled. However, if you wish to remove your in-app tracking permissions, you can do this in your phone’s settings by clicking on the MyAviva app > Privacy.

If you disable MyDrive but later change your mind and wish to turn it back on, it will automatically remember your progress to a potential discount. When you switch MyDrive back on, you will be asked to agree to these MyDrive Terms again and if you have removed your in-app tracking permissions in your phone’s settings, you will have to re-enable these permissions for MyDrive to work.

Data protection

For information on what data is collected using MyDrive and how it will be used, including your personal information, please see the Aviva MyDrive Privacy Policy. These additional privacy terms supplement and should be read together with, the MyAviva Privacy Notice and Aviva’s Motor Insurance Privacy Policy.


We may change, suspend or withdraw any element of MyDrive at any time without notice. We may also update these Terms at any time without notice, so please frequently check back here for the current version. Where we make a material change to these Terms, we will notify you of the change(s), and you may be required to read and accept the new Terms to continue using MyDrive

These Terms were last updated: 30/03/2023

Contact us

If you have any questions about MyDrive or issues using MyDrive, please contact us. Visit here for further details.

About us

Aviva UK Digital Limited is registered in England & Wales with company number 09766150 and has its registered office at 8 Surrey Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 3NG.