Wellbeing library

Line your pocket with knowledge

What is it?

Stress and worry can take a toll on wellbeing, wherever it comes from. The Wellbeing Library is an online collection of useful content, hints and tips - including guides and tools. In the Wellbeing Library, you'll find sections offering helpful support on all kinds of situations, from family and relationships, money or work, mental or physical health conditions. Whatever's on your mind, you can find information to help you deal with it.

Dig deeper into the areas that matter to you

We've split our wellbeing articles into categories so you can easily access information that's relevant to you.

Mental wellbeing

If you're worried about your mental health or that of people close to you, you can find information and articles here.

From useful advice to guidance on where to get help, the library can help you take steps to improve your situation, whatever it may be.

Physical wellbeing

We've got your back when it comes to looking after your physical wellbeing. There are a range of interesting articles on how to help keep your body healthy. So whether you want to look at how to keep your teeth healthy, tips to reduce your blood pressure or ways to reduce the risk of heart disease you'll be able to find it here.

Financial wellbeing

Our financial wellbeing articles cover a wide range of issues. Here are just a few of them:

  • How to develop your money 
  • Budgeting
  • Balancing earning and spending 
  • Money lessons for children
  • Saving in a recession
  • Financial scams- how to avoid them.

Family wellbeing

Ready to help with family problems.

Family troubles can have a tremendous impact on your mental, physical and financial wellbeing. Because of that, we offer useful articles and links to third party organisations on a range of family matters, including:

  • Separation
  • Divorce
  • Positive parenting

Health matters

Our all-encompassing Health matters section offers support across a range of issues, including but not limited to:

  • Women's health
  • Cancer support
  • Heart disease

Guides and tools

Covering a a variety of topics on all aspects of wellbeing.

Discover information to help you stay in control of your health and wellbeing with our useful tools and guides.