Financial wellbeing

Money’s all right to mention

Pack up your money worries

Money worries can be incredibly stressful - so establishing and maintaining healthy finances can have a huge effect on your physical and mental wellbeing. We don’t want you to be stressed. We were going to bake you a cake – then we had a better idea. So, we cracked a dozen articles into a mixing-bowl, added two cups of educational videos, a spoonful of advice from our experts and put it in the oven for 45 mins on a low heat. So go on - enjoy a slice of or two of info with your afternoon cuppa.

The kids are alright

Pensions and retirement planning

Pension primers

Pensions can be like an ice cream parlour – definitely a good thing, but with a few too many flavours to choose from. We’ve put together two videos to help you understand the different types of pensions available and how the stock market can affect your investments. Give them a watch and you’ll soon be able to tell your pistachio from your mint choc chip.

Cancer information and support

Macmillan Cancer Support